The high quality leather embroidery that embellishes Passione bags is the result of the imagination and technical ability of our expert craftsmen.
Our simple and yet refined hand-sewn and embroidered additional design features add elegance to our collection, as well as the splendour and charm of the true Made in Italy.
The history of embroidery
Hand embroidery is a very refined form of art and also an activity from ancient times. It is developing as a rare and sought-after craft.
The origin of embroidery is still a mystery today. The first known embroideries came from ancient Egypt, on products with hand-embroidered numbers.
In Italy, the art of embroidery started as one of the cultural expressions of the Saracens and was connected to the traditions of Magna Graecia. Later the Italian school moved away from the oriental taste and the centre of activity shifted to Florence, where many masterpieces were manufactured.
Nowadays the art of hand embroidery has almost disappeared.
The most important features of this impressive art are the basic stitches such as chain stitch, satin stitch, buttonhole stitch and darning stitch, which are still used in the hand-embroidered designs of today.